Welcome to BebeClays

My name is Angelina (or Bebe, as my family would call me), the artist/creator of the work you see here. I strive to create beautiful works of art that just so happen to be functional in one way or another. The style and design of my work are inspired by a self-portrait sculpture series I did years ago, more on that later…

A little bit about myself- I’ve been passionate about sculpting clay ever since I was a Sophomore in August of 2010 and was recourse into a Junior/Senior only sculpture class after a scheduling mishap. As fate would have it, I found that creating sculptural art was my way of being able to express myself and having some therapeutic relief. My art has always been for me and my growth process but I’m now finally open to people purchasing the art that I’m willing to offer. This has been a long time coming and I’m grateful that I have the privilege of directing my time to focus on forgotten aspirations.